Linkek a témában:
WIPER - The Integrated Wireless Phone Based Emergency Response System
Someday, emergency response teams handling a crisis like Hurricane Katrina, or even a major traffic jam, may coordinate their responses using a system that projects a bird’s-eye view of human movement by tracking cell phone signals via computer.
Signalling networks
The SignaLinK group is working with signalling networks in collaboration with Péter Csermely (Semmelweis University, LINK-group), Tibor Vellai (Eötvös University, Dept. of Genetics), Tamás Vicsek and Bálint Szabó (Eötvös University, Dept. of Biological Physics). Our aim is to experimentally prove our hypothesis on embed adaptation of network topology in C. elegans.
The Pew Internet & American Life Project
The Pew Internet & American Life Project is one of seven projects that make up the Pew Research Center.
Egészség coaching
A Főnix Kastélyszanatórium exkluzív primer és szekunder kardiológiai prevenciós és rehabilitációs központ.