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A társas mezőktől a hálózattudatig
A társadalmi hálózatok tudományos vizsgálata jó fél évszázados múltra tekint vissza. Legfontosabb területei: a társadalmi kapcsolatháló elemzése, mely a társadalmi kapcsolatrendszer szerkezetét vizsgálja, módszertanilag legjelentősebb előzménye pedig a szociometria, melynek célja, hogy feltárja a különböző kiscsoportokban preferált személyközi kapcsolatokat, és leírja az eképp megmutatkozó társas alakzatokat.
Information Diffusion Through Blogspace
We study the dynamics of information propagation in environments of low-overhead personal
Study maps network of 7 million cell phone
Scientists have constructed a map of a societal communication network based on the mobile phone...
The Search-Transfer Problem: The Role of Weak Ties in Sharing Knowledge across Organization Subunits
This paper combines the concept of weak ties from social network research and the notion of complex knowledge to explain the role of weak ties in sharing knowledge across organization subunits in a multiunit organization. I use a network study of 120 new-product development projects undertaken by 41 divisions in a large electronics company to examine the task of developing new products in the least amount of time. Findings show that weak interunit ties help a project team search for useful knowledge in other subunits but impede the transfer of complex knowledge, which tends to require a strong tie between the two parties to a transfer. Having weak interunit ties speeds up projects when knowledge is not complex but slows them down when the knowledge to be transferred is highly complex. I discuss the implications of these findings for research on social networks and product innovation.
The structure and function of complex networks
Inspired by empirical studies of networked systems such as the Internet, social networks, and bio-
Molecular chaperones: The modular evolution of cellular networks
Molecular chaperones play a prominent role in signaling and transcriptional regulatory networks of the cell...
Generative model for feedback networks
We propose a model for network formation and study some of its statistical properties. The motivation for